
Fortune Telling with Space Dominoes
For many centuries, Fortune-Tellers have read peoples fortunes in cards.
Space Dominoes are no different. In fact, you can read fortunes with Space Dominoes in several ways.
One favorite technique is to deal 8 Space Dominoes face down in this pattern:
Then, in the order shown, the Fortune Teller, or READER, turns each card over, one by one. The Reader pauses after each to explain its significance to the Fortune-Seeker, or QUERANT.
If no READER is on hand, just tell your own fortune!
In any case:
Card #1 signifies how you appear and present yourself to others.
Card #2 reflects the real you inside.
Card #3 indicates important matters or possessions.
Card #4 relates to your strengths.
Card #5 deals with the immediate future.
Card #6 deals with the more distant future.
Card #7 deals with the immediate future.
Card #8 deals with the more distant future.
Each card gets its meaning from its dots.
3 dots refer to female persons and considerations.
2 dots refer to wealth, success, & accomplishment.
1 dot refers to male persons and considerations.
0 dots refers to spiritual and intellectual matters.
After all cards have been turned over, an overall impression, perhaps one with dynamic possibilities, may be gleaned from the overall formation and dot-patterns.